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The only program of its kind.

The FitFighter program is designed and developed by an unprecedented multi-disciplinary collaboration with a combined century of experience in the training and preparation of elite professionals. We refined it over the past decade in stations across the country, and piloted and proved the curriculum at the nation's largest fire department over the past two years.

The system includes our proprietary equipment stack, 32-period curriculum with teaching guides and partnership network that adapts to shift schedules and training academies, and novel collaborative model.

This model, Teacher-Instructor-Coach-as-Partner, or "TICAP," places the core delivery of curriculum in the hands of your cadre, with FitFighter as a partner to share accountability for results and re-certify on a department-driven training calendar.  

The program includes certification, equipment stack, curriculum, and digital platform.

Our 3 phase design is adaptable, collaborative, and sustainable
through changes in leadership, schedules, and staff.

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Certification & Implementation

Based on budget and desired engagement level, we conduct a Live Virtual (LIV) or Boots on the Ground (BOG) Program Certification, accredited by all major governing associations for performance training. The Certification is, at minimum, a full day and recommended for any instructors who will run or oversee the training.

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Benchmark Assessment

Under the leadership of our Curriculum Director Bennie Wylie and advisor Chief (Ret.) Derek Alkonis, we developed a 5 point assessment for an ongoing progress snapshot. Assessments begin with execution of the 16 movements and progressions, scored on a 1-3 scale, and proceed with grip strength, vertical jump, sit and reach, beep test, plank test, and VO2 or alternate cardiovascular health.

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Support & Continuing Education

On a weekly or shift period basis, we conduct a review with all partners in the TICAP network to document results, questions, successes, and concerns. This format gets us up close and personal, fosters collaboration among departments of every size nationwide, and creates a portal for data-collection.

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